Monday, June 28, 2010

Luck of the Irish

Mammaw always said that the luck of the Irish was bad luck and I am beginning to believe it in my case. My bad luck today began when my net book died. I couldn't get it to charge yesterday and by this morning it was gone. Predicament #1

Today is Monday and it is 10:09 p.m. here or 4:00 p.m. CST. We just returned from a walk down the Galway Bay promenade and it is still light out. It reminds me of when we went to Scotland when the girls were little. They would have to go to bed when the sun was still up and they got up with the sun as well. Meghan finally asked if the sun ever set in Scotland! It is the same way here. It will finally be dark by about 11:00.

Following our full Irish breakfast, we left our hotel In Ennis at half-eight this morning in the heavy, foggy rain. Our destination was the Cliffs of Moher. Ken O'Connor, our guide kept assuring us that it would clear off by the time we got there. No such luck. It was raining even harder when we got there. Predicament #2. Our tour company gave us rain ponchos but I decided just to wear my windbreaker that I thought was waterproof. We walked up the hill to the top of the cliffs and of course, couldn't see anything but fog and rain. To top it off, the wind was blowing as it does along the coast. My windbreaker was not waterproof and my umbrella couldn't take the wind. By the time we got back to the visitor's center, I was soaked. I took off my windbreaker and my entire back was wet, my legs were wet and the front of my sweater was wet in two very embarrassing spots. Ahem. Predicament #3. Luckily there was a family toilet (that's what they are called here, I'm not being indelicate) with a blow dryer. I took my sweater off and dried the spots fairly well. If you want to check out the Cliffs of Moher go here:

We traveled on to the Burren Way, a prehistoric area of tombs built from the native limestone. ( The rain had let up a bit so we didn't get as wet going out to see the Burren. I wasn't too impressed having seen Stonehenge and Mushroom Rock but maybe I was just too waterlogged by then. We were able to stop and walk up to a very scenic view of Galway Bay just before our lunch. I will post pictures later.

Lunch was at a small pub in a little town somewhere between the Burren and Galway. I forget the name but I know it started with a K. We have seen so much today that my brain is a little foggy. I tried the seafood chowder and an open face sandwich. And Erin, I had my second Smithwick's at lunch today. I even got Dad to drink 2 yesterday! I was afraid it would be too dark for him but he liked it. Maybe because of the beer or maybe because I wasn't used to carrying it but some of you will guess what happened next with my purse...Predicament #4.

As we were approaching Galway City I reached down to get my purse. Guess what? It wasn't there. I had left it several km away at the pub. I thought Ken would throw me off the bus. Passport, euros, dollars, Visa etc. all in the purse. We were sitting just behind Ken the guide so I sheepishly told him. Not to worry! He got on his phone, called the pub and they had it. He told them to put it on the "service bus" at quarter-two and send it down to the CIE office Inspector in Galway City. Adrian the steerologist (our driver) was on his phone telling the office to expect it and to put it in the Inspector's office. Long story short, it came in sometime after 4:00, it is locked in the inspector's office and I will have it sometime tomorrow. Ken the guide said that things like this happen all the time and that the majority of Irish are very honest and will take care of your belongings for you. I am trusting this is so but say a prayer anyway please. My Ken decided not to be mad at me although he said he was going to staple it to my body from now on.

At some point today we stopped at the Well of St. Briged's Well in Liscanor ( I thought some of you might enjoy seeing the pictures of it. Meghan, maybe she will look over my purse for me?

In Galway City we visited a shopping mall where you had to pay .30€ to use the toilet and then Ken and I walked through the green where JFK gave a speech in 1963. After we visited the Cathedral of our Lady Assumed into Heaven and St. Nicolas. ( The city of Boston helped to fund this cathedral in the '60's. It is quite beautiful and contains a small mosaic of JFK to commemorate his connection as a freeman of Galway City.

Back on the bus and off to Connemara Celtic Crystal. We learned from 86 year old Mary Mullally how the crystal is designed and cut. The crystal is not sold in Ireland outside the showroom and is sold via Internet or shops in other countries. It is very beautiful unique crystal. I purchased two small bowls, one in the claddagh design and one in the famine design. Mary was quite a character and we learned a great deal about her one of a kind crystal designs.

We are now at the Galway Bay Hotel. The front of the hotel overlooks the bay and our room overlooks the parking lot :-(. Predicament #5, the key to our second suitcase, the one with my netbook and medication in it, is in my billfold, in my purse, in the CIE office. So, I won't sleep well and I will hurt tomorrow but that's my own fault I guess. I was able to use the business center here at the hotel to write this post. I was afraid you'd think the black gang got us if I didn't post today.

Tomorrow we go to Connemara Marble (!) , take a catamaran cruise and then to Cong for the Quiet Man walking tour. Tomorrow night we are going to an Irish dance show at the hotel next door.

Just a note, dad always said that he is black Irish. Unless we are descended from the Spaniards, I don't think so. Also, most of the O'Dea's were Catholic...hmmmm. And, Luana, I tried to take over the castle but there weren't enough of us to hold onto it. Besides, it was kind of damp inside and I don't think I would want to live in it.

Have a wonderful day, night whatever time of day it is where you are!


  1. it's just not a trip until we have to go back for mom's purse. :p

  2. I confess to wondering if you were lost when we didn't hear yesterday. You certainly are having some kind of luck! But not the good kind. I hope it changes for the better soon.

    Aunt Cheryl

  3. I can't tell you how many hats, etc. I've lost on our travels. but...make a copy of your official documents and leave the originals with the tour guides. Anyway, forget the weather, it's always variable. We went from 120 degree temps in the Amazon to below freezing in Patagonia in one trip. Just enjoy the trip and keep us posted. We're really having an adventure and hope you enjoy it to the fullest, too. Love....Wani

  4. was really beginning to worry about you guys, and actually, still am. Praying things will be okay. Get a fanny pack!

    Love you, Mom

  5. i really cannot see mom becoming a fanny pack tourist. she's the type of tourist who doesn't want to look like a tourist. lol.

  6. Well, that came straight from her Dad.

    Laura, I found my necklace you gave me. I had put it in a very safe place so I wouldn't loose it. Ha. Love, Mom
