Sunday, July 4, 2010

In Dublin's Fair City

In Dublin's fair city
Where the girls are so pretty
I once met a girl named Sweet Molly Malone.

We didn't hear anyone crying "cockles and mussels" today but we did see Dublin's fair city and more. This was our last day with the tour. Our tour mates are all on a longer tour so today is their half-way point. Sunday's in Ireland are very slow until noon when mass is over or they wake up from partying the night before. So, CIE usually plans for a slow Sunday giving everyone a break. We joined our guides at 9:30 and found that Adrian had decorated the bus with a variety of American flags. He was even wearing an American flag tie. I really appreciated that little touch.

We drove around Dublin a bit but there are so many twists and turns that it was hard to keep track of where we were. We finally ended up at Trinity College and qued up for the Book of Kells. Briefly the Book of Kells is a 1500 year old transcription of the 4 Gospels beautifully illuminated with Celtic designs. We also saw the Brian Buru Harp, the national symbol of Ireland. It was very crowded so I didn't stay long. Shopped a bit then reboarded the bus.

We had 3 options today, visit Guinness, visit the Jameson Distillery or take a bus tour. Ken and I decided that we have seen several breweries in the US and have never seen a distillery so we went to Jameson. Jameson Irish Whiskey has been distilled since the 1700's. John J. Jameson came to Ireland to learn how to make a better whiskey than they had in Scotland. I am not a fan of whiskey but I have to say, the way they drink it here, with cranberry juice, was quite good.

After Jameson then we walked back across the Lithey river to the Ben Burdock Fish and Chips. It was sooooooooooooooooooo good! I dare say it was the best meal we've had here. It is made and served in the traditional style, wrapped in newsprint (not newspaper) and placed in a brown bag. Wish I could bring some home. We brought it back to the hotel and ate and then we both crashed for about two hours.

Tonight we strolled over to Temple Bar to the Hard Rock Cafe to eat and buy our hat and shirt. This is the 15th HRC that I have been to all over the world now. The food isn't great but it is tradition. After dinner we took a slow walk down Temple Gate, the oldest street in Dublin. It is a bar and pub area with many buskers, something like Covent Gardens in London. It was very fun and a nice bit of Ireland. Then to a cash point (ATM) and back to the Blu. Our travel Visa is low on funds so I guess that means it is time to go home. Once home, I will write a summary of my thoughts about the trip as a whole so be checking back.

Now it is time for a soak and to pack for tomorrow. We will join our mates for breakfast and then take a cab to the airport for our 12:55 flight. If all goes well we will be back in Wichita around 8:00 p.m.

Hey Erin, do they have Bulmer's at home?

See you later then!


  1. So glad you will be home. You may need a boat though. Talked to Erin and things are okay and she is at home and is off work tomorrow.

    Maize is included in a flood watch now as is most of the towns this way. It is due to the rains from the hurricane in Mexico and Texas and was a very different 4th of July. Much quieter than usual. It's suppose to rain for the next week. Love Mom

  2. Have a safe flight home. I'll look forward to your after-thoughts. Love Wani
