Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Brand New World

I have wandered into a brand new world. It is a land of hormones, attitude and noise, constant noise. The land is called Middle School. Many years ago I helped to design the plan for this thing called middle school. In our minds it was a utopia for adolescents. A safe world not exactly elementary school and definitely not a mini high school. The children would be charming and the staff would be caring and classes would be designed around the needs of the students. Ahh, the eighties.

People ask me how I like middle school. That's a hard one to answer. I am very grateful to have a job. I am blessed that it came about. I am learning something new almost every day. But how do I like it? Like any new job, I am a little lost, a little confused, a little excited and very tired. I do have resources and people to go to so at least I do not have to figure out every thing on my own. I really like having a scripted curriculum that I can enhance with my own ideas. I love my ESOL buddies on my hallway. I like most middle school humor and there are several kids that I have bonded with and really enjoy seeing every day. Oh, and I adore getting out of school at 3:10 and being able to leave a lot of responsibility behind for the day.

One thing that has shocked me is the freedom kids think they have to say anything to an adult. If I could ban the phrases "whadidIdo?", "Oh my God" (said in a tone that implies you are the stupidest thing in the world), and "shut up" (not to me but to classmates) I would do so. I get soooo tired of hearing them. I have been threatened with "telling my mom", or"telling my dad". I reply that I am going to tell my mom (or dad) too. That usually gets a shocked look followed by a laugh and we just go on. Those things seem minor but there is definitely an air of disrespect that was not there several years ago.

Another adjustment for me is the isolation that I feel. I come to school, go to my room, see my colleagues at passing period, see my team first thing in the morning, eat by myself in my room, teach and go home. I am just not used to that. But, it is a lesson that I need to learn and it certainly keeps me out of trouble.I'll keep you updated as the year goes on. After all, it is only September.

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