Thursday, July 7, 2011

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!

Greetings all,

Today was our last day of the Grand National Park Tour and what a time it has been. All that's left is the long drive home across Western Kansas. We spent today in RMNP and shopping in town.

First thing today we headed up to Bear Lake to do the ritual walkabout the lake. Took the customary rock picture and enjoyed a nice easy hike. On the way up we spotted the same coyote we saw on Tuesday night. At least he looked the same. Today he was just trotting down the middle of the road. He'd look back at us every once and awhile but whenever we'd try to drive around him, he'd move over in our way. He finally headed off the road and down the hill. That was pretty cool.

Bear Lake was very busy. Lots of tourists. I don't qualify as a tourist. I have been here too many times. Anyway, that's how I see it. Then we drove down to Estes to eat lunch at the legendary Bob and Tony's pizza. Shopped just a little but it started to rain so we cut our shopping short. Did get a chance to go to the two fabulous shoe stores here. Last time we were here I spent about $200 between these 2 stores. This year I had iron will power and didn't buy the super cute Keen's. I will see if they have them at home and if not, I will order them online. However, if I'm going to spend that much on casual shoes, I should probably get a new pair of New Balance for work. Also went to the little quilt store and bought some fat quarters that I really don't need but heck, you can never have too much fabric. Anybody want a quilt made from pink/green chintz fabric. I have quite a collection now.

It was back to the cabin where Ken took a 3 hour nap and I watched 3 hours of Women Cops of Broward Co. waiting for him to wake up. Around 8 we took a twilight nature drive on which we saw a small black or brown bear up on the hill. I have always wanted to see a bear in RMNP. Had a late dinner of nachos and red beer at Ed's and we are now watching the news.

It is sad to note that there have been two deaths at places we have been to recently. A man was killed by a bear in Yellowstone on Wed. and today a young man fell from the upper deck of Ranger Stadium trying to catch a fly ball. Makes you stop and think.

Please say a prayer for my friend Valerie and the mission team from Central Community who are in Uganda right now.

Tomorrow we are going to eat lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Denver and then we will get on the road. Expect to be home by late evening. Can't wait to see my kitties and sleep in my own bed.

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