Monday, July 2, 2012

It's A Bear


I've been sleeping well here. At home I'd fallen into the habit of staying up till 1:00 or 1:30 at night and just couldn't break that cycle. Here I've been able to go to sleep at a decent hour and sleep well until 6:00 or 6:30. I slept until 9:00 this morning and it was great. Hadn't planned to cook today but out of the kindness of my heart did so anyway. Pancakes for breakfast and sloppy joes for dinner. Tuesday is my day off....!

Today's adventure was to Bear Lake. Since I didn't start cooking pancakes until late morning, we didn't get going until after 12:00. Bear Lake road is completely closed to car traffic from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m due to a complete renovation of the road. You have to take the NPS Shuttle to Bear Lake and we were warned that the trip could take up to 2 hours. Thank goodness it didn't. At one point we passed a huge hole in the road. Down in the hole was a boulder about the size of a Volkswagon. Three construction workers were standing on the edge of the hole looking at the rock. I think they were thinking "how the heck are we going to get this darn rock out of here?" At one point the road is being compleltely rerouted. They are pushing it up a hill away from the river. Apparently the road bed is eroding and filling the river with silt. The road is being rerouted to stop the erosion. It will be a different Bear Lake road when they get finished.

We had a nice leisurely walk around the lake and as I supposed yesterday, it was not nearly as crowded as it usually is. There is no snow either. Usually we find at least one spot on the south side of the lake with at least a foot of snow. You could also tell that the lake was way down by the water lines on the rocks. I've been having fun trying to teach John a few geology lessons this week as we go along. I don't know that he's too interested but the thing about John is his brain is like a computer. You put the information in and you never know when it will pop out again. Today we talked about metamorphic rocks, soil erosion and the difference between selinite and calcite (thank you Mrs. Jones and my other 2 geology teachers). After taking the requisite rock pictures we got back on the shuttle and came back down the hill.

After our lovely sloppy joe dinner we went downtown to hear Cowboy Brad (.com) sing. It started raining just as we left the cabin. It stopped for a bit when we got to the park but started raining again about 20 minutes before the concert. Brad said it would end by 7:00 so we went back to our car and waited. Sure enough, it stopped raining at 7:00 and didn't start again until his last song. gave a great performance as usual.

We walked around town in the rain, got a soda at Bob and Tony's and came home. The adults are now going to retire to the upstairs television room to watch Mad Men Season 2. I think we will go to Ft. Collins tomorrow. Wednesday is looking like Trail Ridge and Thursday, there's a possibility that I will get to hook up with a life long friend (Stacey) for a little bit. We are taking each day as it comes.

Oh. I made the mistake of checking the weather next week. 60's and 70's all week with lows in the 40's. Just my luck.

Love to all.


  1. You were quite the tease! I was sure there was going to be a story of a live bear lurking outside your bedroom window!

    Keep having fun everyone. Love, Aunt Cheryl

  2. No but the neighbor said there was an elk outside our house early this morning.
