Monday, March 18, 2013

If you don't like the weather...


The heading for today says it all...Yesterday, after grocery shopping and breakfast we decided to go down to the beach even though it was cloudy.  After and hour or so of intermittent sprinkles,clouds and wind we decided to go back to the condo.  Of course, as soon as we had both showered and dressed, the sun came out.  I grabbed my book and went down to the pool area to read for awhile.  Tacky Jack's was our dinner spot.  The food was great, the drinks not so much.

Today began sunny and quickly became overcast.  It was warm enough today to stay out even though the sun popped in and out.  We were able to get in about 3 hours of beach time when it began to pour.  The entire beach crowd made a run for the building.  Of course as soon as we got in, it stopped raining.  With or without the sun the UV rays were strong.  Despite applying sunscreen every 30 minutes or so, my legs are very sunburned.  Ouchy.

I am hoping to sleep soundly tonight.  I've been waking up around 3:00 every morning.  Not sure why but I toss and turn the rest of the night.  The bed in the master bedroom has a definite curvature toward the middle.  I feel like that Lucy episode where she has to tie herself to the bed frame so she doesn't roll out of bed.  We are going to switch to the other bedroom tonight and see if that's any better.

There is a family of cats and kittens who live under the pool deck and in the dunes.  They are definitely feral.  I've seen two adults and at least 4 little ones.  They are so cute!  I hope they will be TNR'd so they don't reproduce to an unmanageable number.  I watched one of the adults stalk something in the reeds today.  She was so quiet and was obviously stalking something.  All of the sudden she pounced and caught a little tiny lizard which she promptly took under the deck.

Tomorrow is going to be a great beach day.  74 and no rain.    Looking forward to it.

So, good night all!

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