Saturday, July 10, 2010

Irish Reflections

Greetings All,

I am sorry that it has taken so long to add my reflections on our trip to Ireland. I think I just had to put it aside for awhile and let my thoughts mull a bit. Plus, I have been mentally and physically tired since our return and just haven't felt much like writing. But, I will try to sum it all up tonight.

Random Thoughts:

When I was in Ireland I dreamt about home. Now that I am home, I have been dreaming about Ireland. Last night I dreamt that I got a job and moved there. Somehow, I magically learned Gaelic so that I could teach there.

I miss Bulmers/Magners Cider. No one seems to carry it here in Wichita. Woodchuck just doesn't cut it. Apparently Bulmers and Magners are the same product. However, outside of the Republic of Ireland it is called Magners.

Riding on the bus doesn't seem as bad now that I'm not doing it every day. I might consider taking a bus tour again some day.

Air travel isn't as fun as it used to be. As Ken said, the flying part is great but the process you have to go through to get on the plane takes a lot of the fun out of flying.

I wish we would've sprung for the 15 day trip and stayed through the next week of the tour. However, last Monday I was ready to go home!


Monday morning we joined our tour friends for breakfast one last time. Ken and I were the only people leaving the tour early. Apparently the Irish Interlude and the Irish Adventure tour go the same places the first week of the tour. At the time I booked our tour, I just didn't think I could afford a longer tour so I booked the 10 day tour instead of the 15 day tour. Anyway, before breakfast we found our guide and driver and gave them their tip and told them goodbye. Adrian and Ken both kissed me on the cheek when they said goodbye. I know it is customary but I was impressed.

Around 9:00 our taxi driver picked us up for our trip to the airport. He was a character and talked the whole way to the airport. He made a point of pointing out the bar where Bill Clinton drank while he was in Dublin. He said that Clinton didn't even drink Irish beer, he drank American. He seemed quite put out about that.

Once at the airport we checked in and went through security. Irish security is nothing like American security. For one, you don't have to take off your shoes! But let me tell you a story to illustrate the difference.

I packed all of my souveniers and gifts in my hand luggage and made sure I didn't have any liquids other than the Jameson I was bringing home. At security I told the agent that the only liquid I had in my bag were two little bottles of Jameson. I offered to take it out and she said "oh no love, don't worry about it." When she scanned my bag however she asked if I was sure I didn't have any other liquids. I told her I was pretty sure. She then asked "do you mind if I take a look in your bag love, I'm seeing something and I don't know what it is." She ASKED if she could look in my bag! When she looked she found a small round candle that I bought at Knock Shrine. She said "oh, it's just your holy candle. No problem then. I'm sorry to bother you." She APOLOGIZED! Now, in Chicago, we had to go back through security after going through customs. Ken forgot that he had a coke bottle in his bag. The agent in Chicago weighed about 300 lbs and was sprawled in a chair watching the screen in front of her. When Ken's bag went through she heaved herself up, yanked it out of the scanner, ripped open the zipper and pulled out the coke. She YELLED "Whose bag is this!"Ken told her it was his. Although he was standing in front of her she yelled "you can't take this with you. You can't take this through security!" Like he was stupid or something! I'll take Irish security any day.

Our flights were uneventful although the plane in Chicago had to go back to the gate because of a hydraulic leak. They fixed it quickly and we were only a half hour late. One bag got to Wichita but the bag with all the dirty laundry came on the next plane. I made them deliver it the next day instead of waiting for it to arrive. I think I was hoping that they would do my laundry.

It was a nice trip but as Dorothy says, "There's no place like home!" I do want to share my thoughts about Ireland but tonight, my brain is too tired. I'll get back to it sometime this week.

1 comment:

  1. I am eagerly awaiting "the rest of the story!"
    Aunt Cheryl
