Tuesday, July 5, 2011

R and R and R

Evening Greetings from River Spruce

Not much to report tonight. Today was a day of rest, relaxation and rain. It is really amazing how tired you can get from vacation! And I mean that. If you could hear the sound of the river rushing by, the whir of the hummingbirds, the smell of the rain you could understand how easy it is to spend the day reading, sleeping and eating. I really have trouble with that as when I am in vacation mode I think we need to go, go, go. Ken is more able to do nothing so I have tried in the past few years to learn how to do nothing too.

Today I cooked breakfast and dinner, well Ken cooked the burgers on the grill, and it was really nice to eat home cooked food after eating restaurant food for so long. Then we just spent the day reading and snoozing. Tonight we drove up into Rocky Mountain National Park. Evening is the best time to see wildlife at RMNP because there isn't as much traffic. Tonight, since it was pouring rain off and on, there were even fewer people. We saw lots of elk and a few deer. Drove up into a little picnic area that we love called Endo Valley. The area was empty of people but we came up on a family of 3 deer. If we moved slowly, the stayed close by. At one point, we just turned the car off and watched them for awhile. It was very peaceful.

The forecast is for more rain the next two days. 2 plus inches expected. There is a flash flood warning for most of the counties around here and on the Big Thompson. Our cabin is on Fall river and although it is running full and fast, I think we are in good shape.

Tomorrow we plan to spend in the park and will drive up Trail Ridge Road.

Happy Trails!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning. There is plenty to be said about resting on vacation. Especially when you have busy lives like you and Ken. Please, please BE SURE you are okay regarding Big Thompson and do not take chances. Love, Aunt Cheryl
