Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Get Jets!

Every time I go to Pensacola (well make that both times) I think of "An Officer and a Gentlemen" when Debra Winger says to Richard Gere "Get Jets" as she tries to tell him goodbye. Today we decided to get up at the crack of dawn to drive to the Pensacola Naval Air Station to watch the Blue Angels practice. We knew when we left Orange Beach that it was very sketchy as to whether they would fly or not. There was a low cloud base and a little fog but the past few days it has burned off by 8:00 or 9:00. We got to NAB in plenty of time, got a good seat and waited. Just before flight time our section's security guard started to explain what we were going to see. He also mentioned that they might have to start a little late because all the trainers had to get off the ground first. Ok, that means the Blues are flying right? Nope. About a minute later this other guy came over with his megaphone and announced that the Blue Angels would not be performing due to the low cloud cover. There was a collective groan from the crowd of 500. Slowly, the news sunk in and we all got up to leave. How disappointing.

We had already planned to drive over to Destin FL as I have heard so much about it from others. We made a wrong turn and ended up crossing a toll bridge over to this peninsula that runs parallel to the coast line. On the way, we waved at Ann, Zoe's sister, who lives in Gulf Breeze. Ann, did you hear us? Most of the peninsula is the Gulf State National Park (I think). The sand was even whiter there than here and the water was a beautiful deep blue. I enjoyed the drive very much. Our drive took us through Ft. Walton which was unimpressive and then to Destin. The best way to describe Destin is that it is Branson without the music shows. I'll stay in Orange Beach, thank you.

We decided that we would eat lunch somewhere and then turn around to go "home". I noticed a shopping area that looked like Zona Rosa in KC. And there, on the horizon, was the Hard Rock cafe. Anyone who has traveled with me might remember that if there's a Hard Rock, I have to go. It isn't that I care for the food that much. It's that I collect Hard Rock t-shirts. If What Not To Wear ever wants my wardrobe, they cannot have my Hard Rock shirts! I must have left my "Bad Service Accepted Here" sign at home today because we had a great waiter who went out of his way to take care of us. Today we walked out with only a t-shirt, a ball cap, a 40th anniversary shot glass and two 40th anniversary pint glasses (I used to collect HR pints before they were discontinued). A light shopping trip for me.

We took the long way back to Orange Beach, stopping at the Burris Farm Market on the way to buy a cantaloupe and a pecan pie.

Tonight we took a stroll on the beach to see the sunset and of course a cloud bank rolled in just as the sun set. But, it was enjoyable anyway. Words cannot describe how much I love this place. There is just something peaceful about the rolling waves, the warm water, the wildlife and the soft white sand.

Tomorrow we will possibly get up in time to go see the Blues, weather permitting. Then, beach in the afternoon. Need to call the dolphin people to get our cruise set up.

For those of you in Kansas, you might have heard the news story on KSNW about the prairie fire in Stanton Co. This was very near my friend Sandra's farm. Her children's school was in the path of the fire and her husband went out to help fight it. Fortunately, her children got home ok and Matt came home sooty but fine. It was a traumatic afternoon I am sure.

Sorry you all aren't here. I am already mourning that I only have 3 days left.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure I know how to post because I tried earlier. I love reading your adventures and the only thing better would be if I could be there too. Love you, Aunt Cheryl
