Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, Monday

Greetings from Sugar Beach 227!

Today was a lazy day. Ate breakfast, napped, ate lunch and sat on the beach for 4 hours. I overcooked a little today. You sure discover where you missed with the sunscreen about an hour too late. But. it was a beautiful day. The wind was a little stronger today but not too bad.

The pelicans fascinate me. They are the most graceful bird. You really wouldn't think so because of their size. It has been fun to watch them fly in formation and glide on wind currents. From a distance they almost look like a squadron of small airplanes. I haven't noticed any ill effects from the oil spill but every day we've been out I've noticed workers walking the beach with oily looking nets. Every once and awhile they stop and scoop something up. I assume they are scooping up remnants of the spill.

For dinner we visited Tacky Jack's. Tacky Jack's is a popular bayside restaurant. We sat out on the porch which was a little too chilly for Ken but we had a nice view. I think though, that I must have "Bad Service Here Please" tattooed on my forehead as our waitress tonight was very slow and inattentive. Oh well, the Bushwhackers were good and industrial strength.

Tomorrow we are going to drag ourselves out of bed about 6:00 and head over to Pensacola to watch the Blue Angels. We then plan to drive over to Destin FL to check it out. I think it will be good to give my sunburned skin and bruised tailbone a rest for a day.

To Be Continued...

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