Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sea Gulls, Shrimp and Dolphins

Why is it that when you are waiting for vacation to arrive it takes forever but the actual vacation speeds by? I don't want to go home!

We spent today on the beach and I am thoroughly cooked. Yes I slathered on the sunscreen but still burned pretty good. Tomorrow I will wear a t-shirt instead of my swim top.

Last year we discovered Latrigues Bait Shop across the street from our condo. They have a huge table of fresh seafood. You pick out what you want and they will steam it for you. We got a pound of shrimp and took it down to the beach to eat. It was wonderful! Of course tonight, there was a story on the 10 o'clock news about the safety of gulf seafood. The experts say it is safe but the locals won't eat it--at least the ones they interviewed. I haven't gotten sick yet.

A lone seagull stopped by while we were eating . He sat about 3 feet away from us begging for shrimp. He just sat there, waiting. If another gull got too close he scolded them and moved a little closer. That bird stayed for at least an hour. I gave in and gave him a shrimp that was a little brown (oil?). He gulped it down and stayed for more. After awhile he took off but would come back to check on me every few minutes.

Tonight we took our annual dolphin nature cruise on Captain Bill's boat. Captain Bill wasn't our captain tonight. They called in the second string-Capt. Bart and Tracy. The water was choppy and I think Capt. Bart isn't as experienced as Capt. Bill as we didn't see many dolphins. Usually they come right up to the boat and show off for us. They were very skittish tonight. We did see a juvenile pod of about 3 young dolphins who were playing and fishing nearby. Also saw an egret's nest, nesting blue herrons and several pelicans. The sunset was gorgeous and although we didn't see many dolphins, it was nice to be on the water.

Dinner was at Lulu Buffet's restaurant-Lulu's at Homeport Marina. They make great bushwhackers. The WSU game was on the big screen so we got to see the last 4 minutes of the game. They won-go Shox!

Oh, we didn't get up in time to go see the Blue Angels. For some reason, the alarm clock rang at 12:40 a.m. I remember thinking " that was a short night" but promptly fell back asleep. Then I dreamt I was in the hospital and didn't know why. I kept waking up and thought that I was at home with the cat cuddled up next to my feet like she does. It was because my quilt and pillow had ended up at the foot of the bed. Then, I'd go back to sleep and dream about the hospital some more. When I woke up this morning I was really sore and achy so that's probably why I was dreaming about the hospital so much. Hope tonight is better.

Two more days and then the long drive home.
Love to all.

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