Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sailing, Sailing...


Happy St. Patrick's Day to you. Didn't sleep well last night so I didn't want to get up this morning. It didn't help that it was rainy and dark either. We had already decided that today wouldn't be a beach day and the rain was expected.

Last year on a rainy day we took the ferry boat from Ft. Morgan to Daphin Island and then drove up to Mobile. We were headed for the USS Alabama but underestimated how long it would take to get there. So, we arrived about an hour before they closed. We rushed through but didn't get to see everything that we, especially Ken, wanted to see. When we were talking about our trip this year, Ken said that he really wanted to go back to see the whole thing. So, that's what we did today.

We got there a little after 10 this morning so we had plenty of time. The USS Alabama is a South Dakota class battle ship. It was commissioned in 1942 and initially served in the North Atlantic. In 1943, as WWII heated up in the Pacific, the Alabama traversed the Panama Canal and begin service in the Pacific. It saw a lot of battle in the S. Pacific before it was decommissioned in 1947. Prior to decommissioning, the Bama was one of the occupation ships in Tokyo Harbor and the Marine detachment aboard were the first Americans to set foot on Japanese soil at the end of the war. The ship was mothballed in Bremerton, WA until the sixties when it was moved to Mobile Bay and its current home. The Alabama was refurbished and turned into a museum. The USS Drum, a WWII era submarine, is also docked in Battleship Park. It is the oldest Gato class sub still in existence. We were able to see both with plenty of time to really take everything in. Ken climbed clear up to the navigation deck (really high up) but I was too pooped to go up and down all those steps. Actually, I really don't like climbing up and down those steep stairways. They also have a small airplane exhibit with an SR 71, 2 navy helicopters and several other aircraft. The hanger and some of the craft were badly damaged in Hurricane Katrina and are being restored.

We left Battleship Park about 3:00 and drove downtown to the Historic District. Mobile has been in existence since the early 1800's. Many of the buildings are pre-Civil War. We drove around Cathedral Square, Daphin Street and other historic areas. The trees are magnificent. Such big, old trees! I really wanted to go into the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception but it was closed. The church design and decor are a combination of Gaelic and French representing the two predominate cultures of Mobile.

I read in the AAA Tour Book about a place called the Dew Drop Inn. For those who remember The Walton's, that was the name of the tavern on Walton's Mountain. This isn't the same one but the name caught my eye. According to the AAA book this is the place were Jimmy Buffet developed "his lust for the cheeseburger" and considers this burger the best around. I can't say that we agree. I didn't read the directions very carefully so we ended up driving 4 miles out of the way. Finally found it and it is a hole in the wall. The Dew Drop is the oldest continuous restaurant in Mobile. It has been around since 1924. The current building was built in 1967 and hasn't been changed since. I had the Dew Drop Hot Dog with chili, sauerkraut, mustard, onion and a pickle. It was a very different dog but was very good. Ken had the cheeseburger with chili. He said it was good but it wasn't the best he's ever had. Leaving the Dew Drop we drove through a very interesting section of Mobile. Roll em up!

We drove south toward Dauphin Island and Ft. Gaines to catch the ferry to Ft. Morgan. We didn't have to go that way but we enjoy the ride across the bay. It happened to be sunset as we were going across and was a beautiful ride across Mobile Bay. Ft. Gaines and Ft. Morgan were the guardians of Mobile Bay during the Civil War.

Since it is St. Pat's we went to the Hangout for some music and a drink and then back home. I am pooped! Tomorrow is a beach day and the sunset dolphin tour then it's Friday. Why is it vacation goes so fast and the rest of the year goes so slow?


1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I hope this turns out to be a good beach day. Yesterday sounds interesting and busy. Are you leaving there Saturday and getting back home Sunday?
