Sunday, March 14, 2010

We Arrived!

Greetings from sunny Sugar Beach!

I am writing this on my iPhone as I can't get my computer to connect to the net. The after hours service number only works M-F!
Friday's drive was uneventful. Including Tulsa rush hour and stopping for dinner it took 7.5 hours to get to Little Rock. We had a brief but nice visit with Don and Jamie and then turned in for the night.

We left LR at 6:45 stopping for breakfast at Mickey D's. There was an Army JROTC team there too so we felt right at home. Drove through Memphis and greeted McLemore Blvd as we drove by. Then it was south to Jackson where we ate lunch at Pizza Inn. I think John Y. and I need to start a franchise out by New Market Sq. :-) Later in the day we stopped for gas and immediately after that Erin called to say that Bank of America called to alert us of unusual activity on our account. So we called and found out that they were concerned that we had transactions in 3 seperate states in one day. Guess they aren't used to us traveling. Ha! Actually I really appreciated it.

We pulled into the driveway of Sugar Beach exactly 11:30:03 hours after we left LR. We ran into bad traffic coming into
Mobile that delayed us by an hour. I used my handy dandy timer on my iPhone to time us. We are back in the condo we had two years ago and I was so glad to see it is still comfortably nice. Nothing fancy but cozy.

For dinner we went to The Hangout. It is a huge family restaurant/bar that has something for everyone. They had an emcee entertaining diners between live music sets on the outdoor stage. Friday night Los Lonley Boys will be there so I am trying to talk Ken into going. We had great food. We had Frickles for Meghan ( fried pickles) and Ken had fried shrimp. I had a Shaka Shaka Shrimp Wrap. It was the best meal we've ever had down here.
Woke this morning to find that we had no hot water, the Internet still won't connect and my new capris that I didn't try on don't fit. Ken flipped the breaker on the hot water tank, I can connect on my iPhone and we are going to make an old navy run for shorts and capris. The sun is shining and the water is lovely so all is well.

As the say at the Hangout- laugh loud dance fast have fun or go home!

Shaka Baby!


  1. Fried pickles are AMAZING!!!!!! Esp with ranch sauce!!! Love you love you!

  2. You're a beach bum at heart mom. If that craziness happened her, you wouldn't be having a nice day after. Hehe.

    Buy me a shot glass for my collection!

  3. Glad you are there. Sure brings back happy memories. I know you will really have fun. You aren't missing anything here! Aunt Cheryl

  4. Hey, glad to hear that you made it and are ready to enjoy yourself! Big hello to Ken and you be sure to sunscreen the lips, tops of the feet, and put some clothes on wouldya! Ha, ha. Enjoy yourselves and keep posting so we all can live it thru you! Be safe. Lady Di
