Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Technology-Can't live with it, can't live without it!

It is a sad thought that the one nagging little niggle of my vacation has been that I couldn't connect to the Internet unless I was in the car with my Iphone! Technology has taken over my life. Could it be that I am addicted to my social networking via email, blog and Facebook. Here I am surrounded by a beautiful beach and gorgeous weather and my main thought was would they really get my internet fixed today! Sure nuff, when we came in this afternoon, it was up and running. Life is good.

Monday was a day for the beach. The wind had died down to a manageable level and the temperature was lovely. We took our leftover shrimp, a cooler full of pop and our beach gear and staked out our little space on beautiful Sugar Beach (also known as Romar Beach). There are lots of young folks here this year. Seems to be a volleyball tournament or something going on. A busload of Canadian kids are staying here with their sponsors. They are very well behaved but it does make the beach more crowded. We sat out for 5 hours reading, dozing and walking. Despite continual application of sunscreen (yes Di, lips and feet too) I still have my red patches. I finally checked out the adult beverages at the Sugar Shack this year. Ken and I indulged in a little margarita and a little daquiri (respectively-not one of each) and it wasn't too bad.

Dinner was at Tacky Jacks, a very popular hangout on the marina. As it was Monday night it wasn't very crowded so we got to sit down right away. We wanted to sit on the deck but it was way too chilly. So, indoors we went. Unfortunately we were seated next to the loudest 8 girls (and 1 boy) south of the Mason/Dixon. I mean, they weren't just loud, they were LOUD! And, they loudly reminded each other that they were being too loud. The lady across from me kept glancing at them and then looking at me. My teacher radar went up and we both rolled our eyes. After the girls left I asked her if she was a teacher and she said yes and asked if I was. I told her I was and we both laughed. I reminded her we were on vacation and didn't have to take charge.

I did learn at dinner that they don't know what a red beer is down hey-ah. The bartender didn't look like he wanted to learn either. The margaritas were good, the steak Ken had was good and my fish was, fish.

Awoke this morning around seven to pounding hammers somewhere in the condos. You'd think they'd have a rule or something preventing hammering before 8 a.m. I don't know, maybe that would make too much sense. Tried to lay in bed but finally gave in about 8. We basically hung around the condo this morning being lazy. Went down to the beach about 12:30. I think today was about the most perfect beach weather you could ask for. About 68 degrees, NO wind and bright sun. Not hot, not chilly, just right. Fed the seagulls, walked down a sandbar, read and watched all the college kids boogey boarding. Some of them are pretty good. I predict that boogey boarding will be part of the next summer olympics :-)

Todays afternoon cocktails: margarita for Ken, Amaretto Sour for me, yum!

Clouds have rolled in so the rain must be on its way. After I fix spaghetti and meatballs for dinner we will be off to make a Wal-Mart run and then possibly hit the Flora-Bama for a little night fun.

Tomorrow's plan is to leave early in the morning and head north to Mobile. We want to tour the USS Alabama again and then we will probably head toward Ft. Morgan via the ferry boat. It will be St. Paddy's day and I think this is Ken's plan to keep my as far away from QVC as possible. Ha! He probably doesn't remember that I will actually be on the Emerald Isle itself in 3 months and will need all my Euros for shopping there.

Have to go cook dinner now. A woman's work is never done but at least my Internet is working.


  1. Hi Laura & Ken. Glad you are "connected" again and I sure understand your getting the shakes. It sound like you are managing to have a great time and I enjoy your travel logs. Aunt Cheryl

  2. No Flora-Bama tonight. We don't want to get dressed again. Lazy bums.

  3. Psssst, hey mom! Just slide me your card number and I'll shop QVC for you. Ssshhhhhh...
